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Best CDN providers of 2019 to speed up any website

A content delivery network (CDN) works to accelerate almost any website by caching its files in servers around the world. Whether your visitors come from Europe, North America, Asia or anywhere else, …

Here are basic steps to try and improve a website’s Google ranking

SEOis often said to be closer to an art than to a scientific subject, especially as it changes so quickly. Because of the relative opaqueness of Google's search process, the frequency of its algorithm…

Best 4K TV 2019: your definitive guide to the top Ultra-HD TVs

They weren't popular at first, but now 4K TVs rule the roost in terms of overall sales. In fact, according to the data, over 70% of American households own a 4K TV at this point, with that number set …

Best Smart TV 2019: every smart TV platform and which set does it best

Smart TVs are so common it doesn't feel necessary to add the 'smart' to them. You'd have to hunt high and low to find a new TV that doesn't come with some form of smart capability or features built-in…

Amazon warehouses will start donating things you don’t buy

Ever bought something from Amazon? The online retailer has countless warehouses around the world, all packed to the brim with gadgets, smart speakers, home goods, books, and near anything else you cou…

The flying car designer keeping his eyes on the skies

Lilium is a thing of beauty – of that there is no doubt. A fully-electric vertical take-off and landing jet, or eVTOL, the idea was hatched by Daniel Wiegand, Sebastian Born, Matthias Meiner and Patri…

Samsung’s new range of Bespoke Fridges are beautiful, but not smart

How often do you look at your fridge? Probably not often, you’re thinking. It’s just, sort of, there, isn’t it? But if, like most humans, you consume food on a daily basis, you’re probably going to an…

John Deere’s smart lawn tractor tracks every inch of grass and makes garden chores fun

You may not know this, but you’re being tracked – and not always in a bad way. Cookies in your browser track your web visits and then pop up relevant ads on Facebook. You could call it a feature more …

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